* How to check unidentified payer Please leave ‘locked message’ if your name is on this list with following information; [Name/DOB/Zip code(if any)/Recipient’s address(Please double check)/Contact point/Recipient’s country/Payer name, Payment date, Payment time/Transfer certificate copy]
Term to leave ‘locked message’: Until January 20
The delivery will start this week. Again thank foreign BABYz for your patience
они ж вроде и говорили, что альбома будет в феврале. а не в январе
к тому же ты увидишь там больше
Please leave ‘locked message’ if your name is on this list with following information;
[Name/DOB/Zip code(if any)/Recipient’s address(Please double check)/Contact point/Recipient’s country/Payer name, Payment date, Payment time/Transfer certificate copy]
Term to leave ‘locked message’: Until January 20
The delivery will start this week.
Again thank foreign BABYz for your patience
я нас не нашла.....