CeCi The reason why Doojoon can be the ‘first place boyfriend idol’?

Doojoon I don’t know when I started to get that nickname. I don’t understand too.
Yoseob If I was a girl, Doojoon will be the first place boyfriend. He won’t get mad if the girlfriend messes up, and I’m pretty sure he won’t be able to say “let’s break up” unless you mention it first. I’m happy because I know that I won’t be dumped. (laughs)
Dongwoon There is a lot of Doojoon hyung’s image that has been made for him. His image is packaged really well. If you got a well packaged gift, it’s about time you undo the ribbon and rip the wrapping paper off…
Junhyung It’s about time Doojoon came down

#2. Love
Doojoon Work comes first. Later when I have more free time and my mind feels settled. When I cam more mature.
Yoseob Good to have, but if you don’t have it, you can live without it. I still don’t know what is what and I forgot what it felt like because I loved a long time ago. I think I’m fine without it.
Hyunseung Necessary in the world even if I don’t particularly have it.
Junhyung No comment.

Kikwang Without it I can’t see anything. However, I’m really busy with promotions so it’s really hard to meet someone who you really love. At the same time, I think it will be nice to have someone who you really love to think about while you are busy chasing work.
Dongwoon Option.